Why I am Here, and Why I know I can Help You

My journey started way back when I was 7 years old and experienced a traumatic car accident, where I was hit by a car in front of my parents house after falling off a bike. I broke six bones in my foot, and thankfully only had to get a skin graph from my thigh. At 12 years old I was struggling with anxiety and was diagnosed with an ulcerated stomach. I was really young and unsure of what anxiety or digestive issues even were, but from an early age I already felt the effects of being a highly sensitive individual. Fast forward a few years, and at age 15 I faced and overcame thyroid cancer and had my thyroid gland removed. This inevitably would lead to hormonal issues later down the line, most of which I still manage to this day.

Needless to say, like many of you, I had a few traumatic experiences before I even entered into my twenties, and I had very little knowledge of the impact these would have on my physical, mental and energetic well-being. 

It was not until I was 25/26 years old, living and working in New York City, that I hit what I like to call my breaking point. I was still struggling with digestive issues (living on Prilosec), experiencing hormonal imbalances like hair loss, low energy, ovarian cysts and to top it off, I had extreme anxiety and very high stress levels. 

There certainly was a part of me that felt I “had it all. A great job in fashion PR, I lived with my best friend in the greatest city in the world, I had tons of social events to attend and glamorous work events, and my family was only a train ride away. I mean really...what else could I need?

But something was...off. I still don’t even know how to describe the feeling, but I just knew deep down that something was not right. 

My first step was taking an online health coach training with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. My purpose for taking the course at the time was “for me” and to help myself start to feel better. During this course I learned SO much and the best part - I met my meditation coach, Erin, who I began working with in April of 2016. 

It was through this new knowledge of nutrition, the understanding that there are so many factors off of our plates that contribute to our overall health, and the practice of turning inward in meditation that I began to wake up to who I truly was and what was actually going on within my being. 

And I realized something that, I could not verbalize at that time, but I now know to be the truth which is:

It does not have to be that hard. 

Yes, you read that right. I realized that I do not have to feel stressed, anxious, tired, and overwhelmed all the time. 

That I actually hold the power and the capabilities to feel better. 

To feel more calm, more at ease and more balanced

And for me, this manifested into me getting to know myself on a much deeper level. Uncovering the root issues from past traumas. Becoming so clear on what I desired, what would actually make me happy, and what will allow me to feel fulfilled. 

I eventually could not ignore the signs - and I moved to LA to get certified in yoga in October 2017. I have since become a Reiki Master, a 500-hour certified yoga instructor, a Thyroid Yoga instructor and have taken courses that specialize in gut health. 

With my experience and the tools I have learned, I am now on a mission to help YOU realize exactly what I wish I had known a long time ago: it does not need to be this hard.

AND to remind you: you are not alone!

If you are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, etc. I understand exactly how you are feeling and where you are at right now. 

Living on a hamster wheel of doing work, making time for your partner, friends, and family, trying to maintain any semblance of a healthy diet and workout routine, and all the while trying to get a good nights sleep so you hopefully have some energy to get through the next day. And not to mention, coping with bouts of anxiety throughout all of it, trying to not have another breakdown to your mom or best friend. 

But I want to say this again: it does not need to be this hard. 

You are not meant to feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and burnt out. You are not meant to hold onto past traumas. You are not meant to have low energy levels, a hard time sleeping, or feel constantly bloated. You are meant to feel GOOD, to feel ease and grace, peace and harmony! 

You are meant to feel BALANCED and BLISSFUL every single day.

The power is honestly in your hands, and it is clear to me now that I am here on earth to help you harness the tools you already have within and support you in finding your innate bliss. 

Click here to read about my 3 Month Program: Transforming Stressful to Blissful and take your first step to healing.

Because you do deserve to feel better and you CAN do this for yourself. 

As my Reiki Master, Kelsey J. Patels says, “We are all here to burn bright. It is our birthright!”

I look forward to hearing from you, learning with you, and supporting you however I can. Feel free to reach out directly or leave a comment below!

With love,

Nicolette Ficchi